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Cancellation policy

If you cancel your session less than 24 hours before it and you do not postpone it within the following 30 days, you will be charged 50% of the treatment initially reserved.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to offer your time slot to another client by notifying me 48 hours or more in advance.

Late policy (out of respect for customers and my work)

The price of the reserved massage will be charged even if the session is shorter. In the event of a delay, the session ends at the initially scheduled end time.

  • For blocks of 40 minutes: 10 minutes or more late will result in cancellation of the session and the entire treatment booked will be billed.

  • For blocks of 60 minutes: 30 minutes or more late will result in cancellation of the session and the entire treatment booked will be billed.


Respect for  our work

Massage therapy is scientifically based and it is a serious practice. People who choose to make this their profession have the well-being of their clients at heart and accept the code of ethics relating to this profession. By the same token, they choose to carry out their work with respect for the dignity of people, to adopt respectful behavior when it comes to hygiene and to maintain the cleanliness of the session premises.

Rightly so, please come to your session fit to receive the treatment: you are asked to respect basic personal hygiene standards and not to be under the influence of substances that could alter your condition. Any non-compliance will result in the cancellation of the session.

Cleaning wipes are available on site if needed. (Ex. For people who are finishing their work day and want to freshen up.) What could cause a session to be canceled? An intoxicated person, strong foul odors and/or skin soiled with blood, feces and/or other unusual residues.

In addition, any inappropriate and/or sexual behavior will result in the immediate end of the session and it will be billed in full, even if the session is not over.

I thank you in advance for your collaboration.